The finale of “Adapt to climate change” contest of awareness raising campaigns took place on December 8. The contest targeted schoolchildren and was implemented in the frame of UNDP_GCF Armenia’s National Adaptation Plan project.
The contest aimed at raising the awareness among young people about climate change adaptation, and promoting their engagement in climate action. It was open for schools and other educational organizations such as clubs, NGOs, specialized educational institutions, etc.
Over the course of the contest, 31 applications were submitted and over 300 pupils from schools located in Yerevan and regions competed for the best prize.
In the first stage of the contest participants were required to design and implement “Adapt to climate change” awareness raising campaigns, pitching the results to the professional jury in the second stage.
As a result, 14 schools were selected to compete in the final stage, where they presented their works and were evaluated by the Jury members according to the defined indicators.
Winners of the “Adapt to climate change” awareness raising campaigns contest
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
During the finale, individual and group (split by schools) competitions were also held, during which participants discussed and submitted sectoral adaptation measures, distinguished between adaptation and mitigation measures, solved a crossword puzzle related to climate change, and completed an online test on climate change related topics.
Winners were announced on place based on the total number of points collected. As a result
Winners of the group contest:
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Winners of the individual contest:
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Winners of contests and participants of the finale received certificates and awards.